About Made You Laugh

Hi there, welcome to Made You Laugh! My name is Cora Horst and I am the creator of this website. Throughout my years teaching elementary school children and raising my own children, I have always believed in the power of a good laugh.

After inspiring children to find joy in the little things for years, I decided to take my love of laughter to the next level and create Made You Laugh. My goal is to spread positivity and joy to people of all ages and remind everyone that there is always a reason to smile.

On my website, I share clean humor, mostly jokes for kids and adults about all sorts of topics. Funny stories, hilarious videos, and silly memes will show up as well – anything guaranteed to brighten up your day. Whether you are having a rough day or simply need a quick pick-me-up, Made You Laugh is the perfect place to find a little bit of humor and happiness.

Aside from my work on Made You Laugh, I am an avid reader and lover of all things creative. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, trying new foods, and exploring new places. But above all, I truly believe that laughter is the best medicine, and I hope to share that message with as many people as possible through my website.

Thank you for visiting Made You Laugh, and I hope that you’ll join me in spreading joy and laughter wherever you go!
