Quack Attack: A Feathered Fiesta of Jokes About Ducks for Kids

Quack up with laughter as we dive into an eggstraordinary collection of jokes about ducks!

We’ll waddle into a world of quirkiness with our webbed wonders in this quacktastic lineup of duck jokes for kids. From beak-tastic puns to flap-happy humor, this collection is sure to leave you ducking for cover – but only from laughter! 

So, waddle you waiting for? Let’s embark on a quack-tabulous adventure into the feathered realm of chuckles – it’s bound to be a fowl-ly good time!

funny duck jokes for kids: duck jokes at www.made-you-laugh.com

1. How did a duck pay for dinner? He put it on his bill.

2. What is another name for a smart duck? A wise quacker!

3. Why did the duck cross the road? To prove it wasn’t chicken.

4. What do you get when you cross a duck and a rooster? Something that wakes you up at the quack of dawn. (More Farm Animal Jokes)

5. What do you call a duck that steals? A robber ducky.

6. What do you get when you cross a duck with a vampire?  Count Quackula.

7. Why did the duck go to space? To see if it could find a quack in the universe.

funny duck jokes for kids: duck jokes at www.made-you-laugh.com

8. What did the duck say when it bought lipstick? “Put it on my bill.”

9. Why did the duck become a comedian? It knew what quacked people up.

10. What do you get if you cross a duck with fireworks? A firequacker.

11. What did the duck say to the waiter? “I’ll have the quackers and cheese, please.”

12. What did the duck say after telling a joke? “That was fowl!”

13. What was a duck’s favorite TV show? “DuckTales.”

14. What do you call a duck that loves to fight crime? A quack-tion figure.
15. What did the duck say to the comedian at the comedy club? “You’re just quackers!”
funny duck jokes for kids: duck jokes at www.made-you-laugh.com

16. What’s a duck’s favorite movie genre? Duckumentaries.

17. What’s a duck’s favorite party game? Duck, Duck, Goose!

18. What do you call a duck that loves making jokes? A wisecracker.

19. Why did the duck go to school? To improve its quackademic skills.

20. What did the duck say to the comedian duck? “You quack me up every time!”

21. What book does a duck prize above all others? The Ducktionary.

22. What’s a duck’s favorite sport? Quack-quetball.


duck jokes kids will love at www.made-you-laugh.com

23. What do you get when you cross an owl and a duck? A real wisequacker.

24. What does a duck wear to a wedding? A ducksedo.

Do you have any more funny Jokes about Ducks?

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