Welcome to the coldest place on the internet, where the humor is as frosty as a Russian winter! We’ve collected the most hilarious Cold War jokes this side of the Iron Curtain, so get ready to laugh like it’s 1989.
From Soviet puns to hilarious anecdotes about communist Russia, our collection of funny jokes about the Cold War will have you smiling like a KBG agent with a fresh supply of bugged typewriters.
So grab your fur hat and prepare to giggle, because it’s time for some Cold War humor that’s hotter than a Molotov cocktail!
Why is a communist bad at playing cards?
Because he always wants to redistribute the deck.
Why do we have Global Warming?
Because the Cold War has ended.
In March we had coughs, colds, Influenza A&B, and Covid-19.
I guess you could say the nations of the world were in a Cold War.
Why did the United States put a man on the moon during the Cold War?
To prove that they were one step ahead of the Soviets!
Why did the US and USSR have a space race?
They were both trying to reach new heights!
Why did the CIA agent wear sunglasses all the time?
He didn’t want to blow his cover!
What did the KGB agent say when he saw the American spy wearing a wig?
“He’s so wigging out!”
What did JFK say when he heard about the Cuban Missile Crisis?
“This is all really blowing up!”
Why did the US and USSR build so many nuclear weapons during the Cold War?
They wanted to make sure they had a bomb-proof plan!
Why were Russians indifferent about the Cold War?
Because they lived in the So Be It Union
Why did the spy bring a blanket to the meeting?
He wanted to avoid the Cold War!
What was the best weapon during the Cold war?
A jacket.
Why did the communist refuse to drink tea?
Because proper tea is theft.
How does a communist party organize a space party?
They planet.
What did one spy say to the other when they met in the Arctic?
“Icy you, comrade!”
What do you call a group of communist superheroes?
The Justice Proletariat.
Why did the Soviet Union lose the Cold War?
Because they were Russian to the finish line.
What do you call a communist sniper?
A Marxman.
What do say to a communist who’s always has an excuse why he’s late?
Quit Stalin.

Do you have any more funny Jokes about the Cold War?
Sharing is caring. Help us build the BEST resource for clean and funny Cold War jokes (Communist Russia jokes, comrade jokes, Stalin puns, Cold War riddles) on the internet… add any new ones you know in the comments below! Thanks a million!